Friday, December 5, 2008

Need those eggs to mature already!

Went to the doc's this morning. He said the things aren't progressing as quickly as they would like. I have 4 follicles compared to two last cycle so that's good but two of the four aren't matured yet. So guess what? I have to go in 7am tomorrow morning. That's way early for me on a Saturday. They're gonna check me out and see if I'm ready for the IUI. Cross your fingers!

I recently got two art jobs. One is an illustration job to do 7 pen and ink illustrations for a book of poems. I've done the research part for the visuals now it's just sitting down and doing them. I hope to start them over this weekend. The second is my 1st commissioned pencil portrait. Ii used to do portraits back in my 20's but haven't in a long time. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm always nervous before I start a piece, don't know why? I always question my abilities and then I'm shocked at how good the piece comes out. Artists! we're a wacky bunch! LOL

My friend and partner in crime 'E' is away in St. Louis visiting her son for two weeks. What am I gonna do without her? LOL Probably get some stuff done but it won't nearly be as fun.

1 comment:

Chef E said...

Cool Beans- I MISS YOU TOO...Man I am on my way to get a rent a week has been up an down...I will give you a call...xoxoxo