'Jack, Paula & Katie' 2008 - graphite pencil on Bristol paper
So after much contemplation, I decided that I wanted to get back to my artistic roots. Hell, I went to art school and got myself a BFA. I guess I should put some of my artistic talent to good use. After graduating years ago, I used to sell pencil portraits for a short time. This was before the age of the internet, networking, guerrilla marketing, etc. I was in my twenties pounding the pavement for work. Kids these days don't know how good they have it! but didn't our parents say that to us? ;-) So alas, because I had bills and needed to eat, my portrait business went on the back burner.
My recently commissioned portrait happened like this. I was discussing starting a pencil portrait business with one of my regular massage clients who I also advertise my massage business with. Surprisingly, she hired me on the spot to do a portrait of her family (see above). Keep in mind, this was without even seeing any of my work. She took it on faith and my word that I would do a good job. We discussed the cost, etc. and we were good to go. I was so happy she gave me this chance since this was my first paid portrait in years. I had a slow start but once my creative juices started to flow it just came naturally. I was very pleased with the way it turned out and so was she. She was shocked that the likenesses were so spot-on.
This gave me the confidence I needed to get this new business venture going. Now I just need to make more time to work on some sample portraits for my portfolio/brochure/website. I'm excited that I might actually be able to make money at something I love to do!
Note: the digital image above has some unusual darks & lights. Next time I'll have to scan the artwork to ensure it's better quality.
really real
Very nice! I have seen your work and you inspire me to be better at my art and writing!
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